Khamsa, the Well of Oblivion

In a deep, dark well, a little boy named Adi regains consciousness. He lets himself be guided by Khamsa, a strange flying creature, towards the Well of Oblivion, a gigantic underground temple, guarded by Tidar, the mistress of the place. Questioned by Tidar, Adi realizes that he has amnesia. Accompanied in his journey by Khamsa and Tidar, the little boy realizes that his quest is more complicated than what it seems. A dark truth hides behind his identity and the nature of the creatures accompanying him.


Born in 1979 in Algiers, Vynom is a director of animated films and a motion designer. After giving up his studies in mechanical engineering, he studied graphic design at the Algiers School of Fine Arts. He graduated there in 2008. His graduation project, Lyrics, an animated short film with the
theme of « narration between comics and animation », received the same year the Audience Award at the FICAM. Previously, in 2005, he partnered with friends to create D-clik Production, a company specialized in communication and audiovisual content, where he currently holds the position of artistic director. Passionate about cinema, comic books and animation, Vynom then fully invested in the creation of animated films and practiced in several key positions: illustration, storyboard, animation, artistic direction. With 15 years of experience in the field, he started directing his first animated feature, Khamsa - the Well of Oblivion, produced by D-clik Production. The film is completed in 2022.


Regie Khaled Chiheb
ProduktionDZ 2022
Länge77 Min


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Kino (Tickets/Programm):    0221-33770515



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