Hildegard speaks

In a captivating 72-minute film, delve into the wisdom and timeless teachings of Saint Hildegard of Bingen, "Hildegard Speaks." Based on the writings of this revered mystic and polymath from the 12th century, the film presents a unique opportunity to hear Hildegard's voice as theologian Dr. Annette Esser brings her to life.

Dr. Esser, a noted scholar on Saint Hildegard, portrays the saint herself where Hildegard candidly shares her insights and experiences. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque German countryside along the 130km Hildegard Way Trail, viewers are invited to accompany Hildegard on her spiritual journey.  This film was created by American pilgrim-filmmaker Michael M. Conti, behind "The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard" (2014), who took the 85-mile “Hildegard Way” through the Nahe river region in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.


RegieMichael M. Conti
BesetzungAnnette Esser, Susanne Praß
ProduktionUSA 2022
Länge70 Min


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Kino (Tickets/Programm):    0221-33770515

Büro:   0221-33770513



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