Film Festival Where the Wind Scatters Seeds

07. Februar, 11:00

Where The Wind Scatters Seeds, memories bloom from barren ground of tears in the soil, whispers of forgotten friends, shadows of distant homes, erased faces on torn photographs. Echoes of yesterday, dreams of tomorrow. 

 Over the course of three days, a carefully curated film program, born from interdisciplinary collaboration - takes shape. Nine curators from various professional and creative backgrounds, including cultural workers, visual artists, researchers, and writers, invite you to immerse yourself in a journey that extends beyond the screen. The film program unfolds through the rhythms of music, the sharing of food, and cross-community conversations, nourishing a space where stories can take root and grow. Through this approach, the program explores the potential of the cinema as a medium to transform, foster connection, and (re)conceive storytelling.

 More info and ticket link coming soon. Save the date: 07.-09. February 2025



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Kino (Tickets/Programm):    0221-33770515



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